OpenStreetMap structure

OpenStreetMap Foundation

The OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) is a UK based entity which is entrusted by the community with the core assets of the OpenStreetMap project -- the servers and database that run the project, the trademarks and license holding for the data, and the organization of the annual State of the Map conference.

Day to day activities of the Foundation are delegated to a number of **Working Groups**, each of which are open to participation from members and non-members alike. The Operations Working Group manages the server infrastructure, the Licensing Working Group handles guidelines for licensing OSM data, the Data Working Group resolves disputes beyond normal community means, etc.

Local Chapters are regional and national entities which have a legal relationship with the Foundation to represent OpenStreetMap in an area, and organize local activities and events.

Corporate Members recognize the importance of the work of the OpenStreetMap Foundation by pledging annual financial support.

The Advisory Board is called on for consultation on important decisions, and raises important topics with the Board of the Foundation. It is not a decision making body, but a consultative one.

Outside organizations

Finally there are other organizations that play a significant role in OpenStreetMap, but are outside the formal Foundation.

For example, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) works at the intersection of OpenStreetMap, humanitarian response teams, and international development organizations, and has relationships with entities that have formal OpenStreetMap programs like the Red Cross, World Bank, and USAID.

More information on the OpenStreetMap structure

Further reading on the OpenStreetMap Foundation wiki.

Last updated